My family and I were flying to Florida and had arrived late to the airport resulting in us being the last people to board the flight. The people on the plane were very courteous and made room for my wife and three children to sit along the same aisle, but since it was a completely full fl…ight, I had to find my own seat. Yes, I was that guy, frustrated and embarrassed, hunting for that one remaining seat. I eventually found that seat (the middle seat of course) right between two strangers. I took a deep breath and prepared for what I expected to be the worst flight of my life. Instead, it turned out to be the complete opposite.
The small talk began as we took to the sky and soon I would learn that the woman on my left, a grandmother of 13 with a sense of humor that would make the longest flight enjoyable, was Nancy Fuller chef/host of the Food Network show Farmhouse Rules. Trying to hold back my excitement, I explained that I write children’s music and literature and gave her a copy of our debut CD and picture book for her grandchildren. Then, at 10,000ft my life changed as Nancy said “You know what? You should come on my show!” Nancy Fuller was not only kind and genuine, but she was a woman of her word as we were contracted four months after that flight to perform on her show.
Since sitting next to that perfect stranger, “Seth and the Moody Melix” have now filmed twice for the Food Network which has opened up doors and presented opportunities which are directly shaping our music and our journey.
Thank you Nancy!
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